Server Info

Server Address:
(This is the same address for our Mumble server as well if you want to voice chat with us)

Server Rules and Info

This server is run as an anarchist capitalist/libertarian society would be run, so we use the golden rule of the NAP to set our boundaries.  That's not to say someone can't get banned for their bad behavior, but we go about it differently than most other servers where admins act like a god.  We will try to carry out private courts with neutral arbitrators if there is a dispute and require the offender to hand out restitution (items,armor,blocks, etc.) to the victim(s) as a form of compensation depending on each individual case.  If you have a dispute with another player, please try to settle it peacefully between the two of you.  If that doesn't work, then you can ask fellow players for arbitration (judge) services, or ask the admins to help settle the problem.  Take lots of screenshots "F2" if you catch someone in the act of breaking the rules and it makes things much easier on us all.  There's a few main things NOT to do on this server.  It's really not that hard to understand and it's mostly common sense, but just in case there's any questions, or problems that pop up, I'll go into more detail.  
  1. Do not kill other players.  If you accidentally hit another player, immediately apologize so he doesn't think you're trying to kill him.  If another player is attacking you, you can defend yourself and attack back, but if you kill him, or chase him down to finish him off if he's running away, it can look bad on your part, so try to give a verbal warning in the chat before you defend yourself and document it if you can with screenshots "F2".  Do not kill another player unless you absolutely have to in self defense.  If he hurts you, you hurt him back, and nobody dies, leave it at that for now.  It does record if a player kills another one in the server log, so if you let the other player kill you, you might lose items, but it will be much clearer to make your case that you were attacked and you'll likely get those items back later.  If it's clear that a player is going around killing others, a bounty can be placed on his head to bring him to justice/kill him if he refuses, or if another player ends up killing him, his items (mostly stolen from other players he killed) will be taken from him and given to his victims.  He will more than likely be banned from the server after that.  
  2. Do not destroy other players' property.  This includes killing penned up animals and destroying crops.  Some free animals near pens could have escaped, so do not kill animals in close proximity to animal pens.  If the owner of a field has free crops you can harvest (be sure he/she is okay with that), please replant, and till any untilled soil with a hoe.  Don't be a dick; replant that shit!  If you accidentally break something on someone's property, or building, fix it yourself, or contact the owner.  If you make a creeper go off near someone's property and it causes damage, take responsibility for the damage and repair it as well.  If an animal pen is destroyed and you have no fences, plug up the damaged fence with two, or three blocks on top of each other so animals can't climb out until proper fences can be used.  They can hop over just one block, so don't just place one block there.  Escaping animals only causes more property loss and are harder to replace than a few fences, so stopping their escape should be your first priority.  Don't mess around with fire if you don't have to.  Burning down forests can clear it out quickly, but it also can lag the server.  More importantly, if it gets out of control, it can spread to people's houses, so be extremely careful, or don't do it!  It's a good rule of thumb to make clear boundaries with fences, or walls around your property if you can and post signs if you don't want trespassers, so people will know to stay away unless invited.  
  3. Do not steal people's property, or items.  This shouldn't be as big of a problem now that we have chests that can be locked, but wheat, pumpkins, wool, building blocks, etc. can still be stolen.  If someone dies and you knowingly pick up their item by mistake, you are expected to give it back to them.  If you catch someone stealing from you, or another player, be sure to document it with screenshots "F2" and contact an admin, or arbitrator.  
  4. Don't share your Minecraft login info with others.  This is more friendly advice than a set rule, but we've already had this problem, so if you like playing on our server, be careful who you let play on your account and on our server.  While you personally might not destroy stuff, or kill other players, you're responsible for what happens on your account, so if your friends break the rules, you'll end up paying.  This rule is as much about protecting yourself as it is the other players on the server.  
While destroying property, or stealing isn't as easy to document as a player killer, we can check logs to see who was on when things went missing and we have documented thieves and property destroyers (griefers) in the past.  If you're caught and found guilty, you'll be expected to pay back your victims, plus extra.  Not only that, but you could end up getting banned, so don't do it.  If you need an item, get it yourself, or ask in chat if someone wants to sell some.  The bottom line is don't do anything to someone else you would want done to you.  If you can live by these rules you can have a fun and long lasting Minecraft experience.  

Locking Chests, Doors, Furnaces, etc.

We now have a mod on the server which lets players lock their chests, doors, signs, and other certain items. Due to server resources, not all blocks can be locked, but doors and blocks that hold items can be.  Chests are automatically private when you set them down.  To lock an item, type in the code in the text chat bar and you'll be asked to click on the item to assign it to it.  Once a player assigns a lock to an item, only he can destroy that block, but some do allow others to open these blocks and take whatever is inside.  Here's the following commands...

/lwc - This gives a list of the needed commands and is quick reference if you forgot 

/cprivate - This sets a chest/door to private, which means only the player who assigned that and admins can open it. 

/cpublic - This sets a chest/door to where anyone can open in. It's advised to set most of your doors to this if you don't mind people visiting your house. If you have a donation chest, you'll want to set it to public as well, but don't hold your valuable items in it, or they could get easily stolen. 

/cpassword "password" - Type without the quotes. This lets you assign a password to a chest, or door so only you, or other players with that password can open them. 

/cunlock "password" - Type without the quotes. You first have to click on the chest, or door locked with a password. It will then ask you to type this in with the correct password. If done correctly, you should see "Password accepted." in green. After that, right click on the chest/door again and it should open. You'll likely have to re-enter the password each time you want to open it, so don't use this on things you'll have to open all the time. This also might be bugged a bit, so if the password doesn't work, walk away for a minute and come back. 

/cremove - This lets you remove a chest as private, public, or password so you can change it to another lock setting. Destroying the chest, or door will also reset it, but if you have lots of item in a chest, or want to set it something besides private, you'll have to use this.

/cinfo - This tells you who the owner of a locked item is, the type of lock it is, and if you can open it. If you think you can go into someone's house and secretly change their doors to private for you so they can't get in, think again. Anyone can see who locked these things.

Setting up a Store/Vending Machine

We also have a mod that lets you set up an automatic store/vending machine with just a chest and a sign.  What you have to do is set up a single, private chest (it won't work on double chests) right next to a wall.  Then right above that chest, on the wall, place a sign with the right text, and you have yourself a vending machine, or sell box as I like to call them.  The sign is what does most of the work.  Here's a pic to better show what I'm talking about.

The text has to be on the right rows, or it won't work right.  On the first row you put the name of the item you're buying, or selling.  In this case, it's Cobblestone.  Sometimes the names are buggy, so you have to use the item ID numbers.  Those are the numbers under dec, not hex.  Some newer stuff, like potions, don't exactly work with this mod just yet, but most of the older minecraft blocks and items work.  

The second row lists how much the other players will be buying and for how much.  The first number shows the quantity of how much cobblestone I want to sell at one time, in this case 64.  The 2i stands for 2 iron ingot.  There are different abbreviations for our set currencies, which are as follows.
  1. i = Iron Ingot
  2. g = Gold Ingot
  3. c = Coal
  4. r = Redstone 
  5. d = Diamond
  6. b = Cobblestone
  7. w = Wooden Planks
  8. l = Logs
  9. n=Gold Nugget
The third line is other players can sell items to you.  Here, they can sell 64 cobblestone to me for 1 iron ingot.  All you have to do is hit done to create your sign.  If you did it right and there's no errors, your name should appear in the fourth row.  Now just fill up the chest with stacks of cobblestone and iron ingots, or whatever you're using to buy/sell and you've made your shop.

Now using the image above, I'll show you how it works.  If someone had 2 iron ingots and wanted to buy a 64 stack of cobblestone, they'd equip the stack of iron ingots in their hand and right click on the sign above the chest (not on the chest) and they'd lose 2 iron ingots and get 64 cobblestone.  If another player came along and had 64 cobblestone and wanted 1 ingot, they could click on the sign with the cobblestone and get 1 iron ingot.  If you just want to buy something, or sell something, you don't have to do both.  All you have to do is leave whichever row on the sign you don't want to do, blank. So if it said...

Buy 64 for 2i


Then people could only buy cobblestone from me and they couldn't sell it to me.  In this case, I wouldn't need to have any iron ingots in the chest; only cobblestone.  But if it said...


Sell 64 for 1i

...then I'd need to fill it up with iron ingots and they could sell me Cobblestone.