Friday, December 9, 2011


Welcome to the blog.  Here we're going to be discussing all the cool and interesting stuff that happens in our AnCap Minecraft Server.  We are running this as a small "social" experiment in this game to get a clearer picture of how an anarchist capitalist/libertarian society could operate.  Minecraft certainly isn't a close representation of the real world, but it's close enough and does give us the freedom and the scale to work out real world problems and discover unique solutions while in a gaming environment.  You too can be apart of this experiment though.  To join our server you'll need to have the game, Minecraft and the server address which is  We also have a Mumble server using the same address if you would like to hop in and voice chat with the other players and admins.  I highly suggest getting on Mumble, especially if you're new to Minecraft since people there can more easily talk you through things.

Also, it would probably be a good idea to read up on the server info to know all the things you shouldn't do in our server, just to avoid pissing off a bunch of people by mistake.  It looks like a lot of rules, but it's actually really simple.  There's really not a whole lot too it as long as you use good common sense and don't go around acting like an asshole.  There's also good advice in there on how to lock your items to keep them from getting stolen and how to set up a shop so you can turn a profit, so it's well worth reading.  So come join us, have fun, and be part of something new.  Oh, and remember that age old question when you join: Who will build the roads?

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